Tuesday 20 March 2012

I Will Follow You

What a great privilege we have to serve in children's ministry. I know some days though, it feels not like a privilege, but more like a challenge. Your lesson may not have gone as planned, the child that you really wanted to hear the message wasn't there, or you have too many things going on in your own life that you feel discouraged.  

This video was sent to me last week and it really encouraged me. Take some time to watch it now:


I will follow you - Chris Tomlin - Childrens Ministry from lovehopenpray on GodTube.

 This is what happens when children follow after Jesus. Pray for those those children that you come into contact with on a weekly basis. Pray that they will follow Jesus and be a light in the darkness. 

Whenever you feel discouraged, stop, take a breath, pray and ask God to give you a new focus on the situation. Remember this video and the pictures of the children following after Jesus. Isn't that our goal? 

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